Sunday 15 August 2021

Granny Square Day 2021

It's Granny Square Day today. It's celebrated particularly on Instagram where you can use the hashtag #grannysquareday2021 to bring up all the tagged images and create your very own virtual Granny square blanket. Simply Crochet magazine have produced a wonderful supplement in their latest edition which contains lots of gorgeous patterns. They also have lots of free patterns available online here.

For my Granny square, I decided to crochet a simple square using leftovers of Stylecraft Naturals Bamboo & Cotton yarn. It's so nice to work with, it's deliciously soft!  The colours I used are, from the centre outwards, Seafoam, Blush, Celery, Surf and Coral. If they look familiar, it's because I used them on my Southwold Summer Wrap.

This is a photo of possibly my favourite ever Granny Square Day - happily hooking away on a Greek beach back in August 2016, with my lovely Mr JK. Treasured memories forever in my heart. xxx



  1. Precious memories indeed Helen!

    I love your most recent granny square; the colours are delicious!

    Best wishes
    Jane x

  2. I love the photo from Greece and the way the happy memories are crocheted into the square. My current crochet project is a scrappy granny stripe blanket. It's taking me a while as it's mainly sock project leftovers! Happy hooking! xx


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx