Saturday 16 October 2021

CraftWorld awards 2021

Hello there! Thank you for popping by today. I have a little favour to ask of you please. Someone alerted me to the CraftWorld Awards 2021 as apparently there is a category for charity work. Obviously I can't nominate myself, but I would be absolutely over the moon if you would consider nominating me for my Fibre 4 Fibres fundraising. I never imagined when I started back in the autumn of 2019 by donating the proceeds from my Good Striations blanket that I would get close to raising more than £20,000 for Myositis UK. I think that my initial target was £1000 and I thought that was being optimistic! I have really enjoyed sorting out prizes for the weekly raffles. I approached lots of small businesses with requests for prizes and have been overwhelmed by people's generosity. The yarny world is full of lovely folk. I have also managed to reduce the size of my stash quite considerably and also bought bits and pieces to add into each prize to make it as special as possible for the person winning it. It has given me something so positive to focus on throughout lockdown. I am also grateful to you, my supporters, many of whom have donated each week. Thank you so, so much! 

To make a nomination, you have to create an account on the CraftWorld website here and once you've done that, you can make your nomination. There are other categories that you can nominate people for too. You can find the nomination form here. I think that nominations close in early November so don't hang about! It would be wonderful to see Myositis UK get some publicity too - I had never heard of myositis before I was diagnosed with it, but it's had such a huge impact on my life, so I'm thrilled that through my fundraising, you are helping to fund research into this horrible, incurable disease. Lots of love to you. xxx


1 comment:

  1. Hello! I have just nominated you for your charity work on the craftworld site! Good Luck! I hope you win. Jennie💙💙


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx