Monday 14 March 2022

Sock news

I've been busy knitting socks for the rheumatology nurses and was able to take this little lot in last Monday as I was hooked up to an iv all week for round two of my immunoglobulin infusions. I managed to knit 6 pairs as well as a pair of mitts for the ward sister who gets really cold hands. They were very well received so I'm going to knit more as not everyone got a pair this time. The little gift tags are a free download from Winwick Mum's blog and you can find them here if you're interested. They add a nice touch and are handy to note down any washing instructions. 

I managed to do some knitting while I was getting the infusions. It depended on whether the cannula was in a knit-friendly position or not. Luckily I had a good book on my kindle so I didn't get bored. I had medication to try to reduce the side effects this time before each day's infusion and it was run at a much slower rate which also helped. I drank lots of water to keep myself hydrated at it seemed to work as I haven't had anywhere near the side effects I experienced last time. I made some progress on a pair of scrappy socks. I'm using up leftovers of yarn and they are going to be very colourful!

I sorted lots of leftovers and some minis that I'd received as part of a swap on Instagram a couple of years ago and more or less did a lucky dip for the next colour. Flo has wanted to help with the yarn choice this weekend too!

I'm taking part in a scrappy socks KAL which is running on Instagram throughout March and April so I may manage to churn out another pair in between knitting socks for the nurses. I have so many scraps, it feels good to be using some of them up. What do you do with your leftover yarn? xxx



  1. God bless you! You are a wonderful person!

  2. I am so impressed that you managed to knit so many pairs of socks in such a short time! I know they are going to be very much appreciated - although it's entirely likely that you'll be getting orders for more! All my leftovers are in a big box; I have every intention of knitting a sock yarn blanket with them ... one day! :) xx

  3. I bet those socks were very well received; they're beautiful. Enjoy making your scrappy socks and thank you for the link to the sock labels. xx

  4. Your socks are beautiful and I am sure the nurses will love them. Seeing your poor hands with the infusions brings back memories from last year when I got stuck very often. I am better now and also knitting socks. I have a goal of knitting 100 pairs of socks for myself, so far I have knitted 60 for myself and a few pairs as gifts.
    I am using the leftovers for a mitered squares blanket that is an ongoing project. Give my love to your beautiful kitty, tell her my furry gang is sending greetings.
    Maria in NC


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx