Sunday 31 July 2022

Getting back in the spin of things

I think I mentioned a while ago that when I was tidying up my craft room, I came across a box with some hand spun yarn in it. It made me want to start spinning again, so with the Tour de Fleece due to start at the beginning of July, this was the perfect opportunity to get back into the habit of daily spinning. I looked through my fibre stash and pulled out a few braids that looked likely candidates to go well together. In my mind, I am picturing a Shifty sweater by Andrea Mowry (Ravelry link) as I think it would show off hand spun yarn pretty well.

I haven't managed to spin every day throughout July. but I am pleased with what I've done so far and it's rekindled my love of spinning. Flo can be a bit of a pest as she likes sitting on my lap while I'm spinning and then likes to nudge her head against my hands! Once I've finished spinning the third braid of fluff, I'll need to do some plying so that I can free up some bobbins for more spinning. Originally I planned to Navajo-ply the yarn to keep the colour changes together, but I saw some hand spun yarn on Instagram this week which had been plied with a strand of Rowan Kid Silk Haze to create a fluffy yarn and that looked stunning. I don't have any Kid Silk Haze in my stash so will have a ponder while I'm spinning and let you know what I decided in the end. The trend for fluffy yarns seems as popular as ever. Do you like fluffy yarns? xxx


  1. Laughing at the thought of Flo sitting on your lap as you spin. It doesn't sound the comfiest of positions and definitely sounds like a bit of a hindrance! Your colours are beautiful. I'm not a huge fan of fluffy yarn as I sometimes find it a bit itchy. I look forward to seeing the end result. xx

  2. So glad that you're getting into your spinning again.

    I love the Shifty, I love the way it mixes up the colours. (I have started knitting one from handspun but not made much progress). I can't wait to see yours develop.


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx