Sunday 16 October 2022

Ticking things off my list

I like lists. I like ticking things off my list even more. Actually I have been known to add things to my list after I've done them, just to get that sense of accomplishment and to be able to tick it off! Is it just me?! In an attempt to dig myself out of my slump, I got myself a new notebook and started writing a list of all the projects I'd like to get finished, a list of design ideas that I have bubbling around and a list with a few long term goals to aim for. Over the past couple of weeks, I've managed to tick a few things off the first list (as well as adding a few more, oops!) 

*** A crocheted Billy Bear for my friend's great-niece ***

This is a fabulous pattern from Emma Varnam and is perfect if you're new to crocheting toys.

*** A pair of DK socks for my friend ***

Knitted whilst I was hooked up to an iv last week, the socks grew so quickly. I wish it was easier to find Opal DK sock yarn here in the UK. If you know of any stockists, please leave a message!

*** A pair of DK socks for my friend's partner ***

Another bit of instant gratification as these socks were knitted in a day!

*** Blocking my Lone Skein Shawl by Joji Locatelli ***

Started back in September and knitted relatively quickly along with some Instagram friends, it has sat on the sofa for a couple of weeks waiting to be blocked. Yarn is from Life in the Long Grass.

*** Casting on a pair of socks for a friend's husband ***

This is Regia Pair Perfect sock yarn - it comes with yellow yarn marking the start and end of the pattern repeat so that you can knit two identical socks. There are stripes up the leg and the foot is plain. I'm only working on these during the day as the black yarn makes it hard to see in the evenings.

*** Completing the first of many Gretel socks ***

I'm aiming to knit several pairs of these Gretel socks as Christmas gifts. The pattern is free from West Yorkshire Spinners and was designed by Winwick Mum. I've struggled a bit to get my tension even over the colourwork using Magic Loop, so I swapped to Hiya Hiya Flyer needles which were better (but still not perfect) and am going to try a 9" circular needle for my next sock. I'll keep you posted.

*** Knitting a jumper for a friend ***

A friend was in need of a cosy jumper and this fitted the bill perfectly, knit using Drops Air yarn.

I have done a little bit of stash enhancement too as I was unable to resist the latest stripy offering from Yarndale. This is Tristen, celebrating 10 years of Yarndale. The West Yorkshire Spinners Signature 4ply yarn knits up so beautifully and is perfect for sock gifts too.

Flo has been my bestest girl, keeping me company and watching proceedings carefully. I can usually manage to knit socks once she has settled down on my lap, which is just as well considering the amount of time she spends asleep on me! 

Last week was a particularly trying week with my infusions and lots of problems with cannulas and blown veins. I think that I'm still going to have the remains of the bruises when I go for my next week in a couple of weeks! Luckily I did have a couple of days where the cannula site was knitting-friendly which makes a huge difference.

The garden is looking very autumnal and there are little splashes of pink all around the garden thanks to the Japanese anemones. I have pale and deep pink varieties which appear each year with no help from me! I'm lucky that my neighbour keeps my garden under control for me.

I'll be back in a while, just as soon as I've managed to tick a few more things off my list! xxx



  1. Oh my, you HAVE been busy. I must admit to being tempted by the Gretel socks as they are a lovely pattern. I knit all of my socks on dpns. I have tried several ways of using circulars but cannot get on with them at all for a small circumference.
    I hope that those bruises clear soon.
    Best wishes

  2. Goodness, what a lot of finished projects! Those DK socks look really cosy, I think I may need to make a pair. I too love a good list and, yes, I also add things to it, just for the satisfaction of crossing them off again! I'm glad it's not just me! :O) xx

  3. Wow, you have knit so many things! You are quite the whizz on the needles especially as you often have canulas in, I am so impressed. Have you tried the sock yarn shop for Opal DK -
    Keep up the good work, Juanita x


  4. Re dk sockyarns (have been doing similar research myself recently!) for 6 ply Zauberball have one colourway left
    Wool Warehouse has one colourway of Regia design line 6 ply left (5 balls of tequila sunrise left) (also some aran weight in cocktail colours))

    I am finding aran socks even quicker, excellent for house and bedsocks, and am knitting them for multiple gifts this Christmas. are based in Denmark, but ship without import taxes/duty to the UK within a week, and have a good range of European brands. I particularly like the Vikinggarn raggen aranweight range, interesting colourways and a very nice feel to it. Haven't explored them fully for dk sock yarn but definitely worth a look.

    I have used all these suppliers and can vouch for them!
    Best wishes

  5. A pair off socks in a day, that is amazing as is your whole production line. If I spent my time knitting rather than admiring my stash and planning future projects I’d have more to show but then it’s fun to dream. Keep up the good work, you are an inspiration. x

  6. So glad to hear you are still knitting with all the equipment in your arms!
    I am in Canada, but order most of my yarn from the UK..I would recommend
    I have ordered before and been very happy with their service. I just took a look and they have lots of Opal options right now.
    Take care of yourself and wonderful little Flo…she looks just like my cat Charlie who is 4.

  7. Sorry to hear you've been unwell, I had not heard of myositis before. But gkad yo are still able to knit!
    Billy Bear is just gorgeous, as is all of your knitting.
    I found you whilst bloghopping, would be lovely to see you over at mine at !


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx