Friday 23 December 2022

Blogmas Day 23

 🎄🎄🎄 Day 23 🎄🎄🎄

Mr JK and I always did a jigsaw over the Christmas holidays. We used to treat ourselves to the Ravensburger 1000 piece Christmas jigsaw every year. I haven’t had much enthusiasm for doing a jigsaw since he died, but this year, I fancied giving it a try. I found this lovely Christmas one on the Gibsons Games website and fell in love with the image. The gold makes it really special. I thought that a 500 piece jigsaw was the way to go to see if I still enjoy doing them. So far, so good. Florence has of course decided to lend a paw, mainly by laying on it! I’ll share another photo once I’ve finished it. Are you a jigsaw fan? xxx


  1. Ooh, that's a lovely one. The only time of year I attempt a jigsaw is at Christmas. I'm fine with the straight edges but after that I can't hold a shape in my head and it all goes awry! I did buy one from a charity shop this year - 2 x 500 - and have it at the ready to start tomorrow. My daughter's boyfriend is brilliant at them and considers it 'cheating' to look at the picture! :O) xx

  2. I love a jigsaw and how good they were to do during lockdown..Barbarax


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