Tuesday 23 June 2009

Finished (at long last!)

This is just a quick post to celebrate the completion of my Salsa cardigan! I am ashamed to admit that I started knitting this last August. I went in fits and starts with it, and got sidetracked with sock knitting, and .......................well, I can't think of any more excuses really. Suffice it to say that it really shouldn't have taken 10 months to knit! When I concentrated on it, it did get done very quickly. The pattern is available free from the Artesano website - you can find it here. I chose not to knit it using the recommended yarn (Artesano Alpaca) as it had to be knitted with the yarn doubled. So I subbed it for Mirasol Miski, 100% baby llama. It's a goregous yarn - really soft and buttery, and is going to keep me very snug this autumn.

Salsa cardigan 001

Now that I've finished this project, I've allowed myself to start a couple of pairs of socks - one using my Zauberball. I'll hopefully have something to show you next time.


  1. That looks great josiekitten Well worth the wait to see the finished article. I love the colour! Might need to try this pattern myself. The flowers are looking good too! :)

  2. Baby llama yarn? *covets* It's a lovely pattern and I really like the colour and I'm not normally into blues. Maybe it's all the purple knitting I've been doing! ;-)


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