Saturday 20 June 2009

Whittling down the WIP's.

I'm brain dead this evening! I've been sat in front of the computer all day writing school reports. It's my own fault. I've had them on the 'to do' list for several weeks, and the deadline is looming! They are almost done now, so I'm giving myself the evening off! Mr Josiekitten had bought me some clotted cream fudge to celebrate finishing them, but I stumbled across his hiding place! Yum yum! I haven't eaten it all - plenty left for tomorrow!
I've finished my June Sock Challenge socks in record time! I made Daydreamer socks, designed by Vikki Harding. It was a lovely pattern to knit - mindless enough to watch TV whilst knitting, but plenty to keep you interested. And they seemed to grow very quickly. I'm sure that short row heel socks get done quicker than heel flap socks. The pattern is very stretchy and fits my big feet without any problems!

June Daydreamer socks 001

I used a skein of Vikki's yarn too - visit her Etsy shop if you like what you see. This was a skein of Bambino, a mix of bamboo and merino, in the colourway Fresh Berries. It's incredibly soft, so is perfect for socks.

I've also finished Marylin, a scarf that I've made for my sister-in-law. I like the lace pattern, but am a bit disappointed that despite rather vigorous blocking, the edges curl in. Someone suggested doing a single crochet all the way round the edge to hold it. I may well give it a go, as I've got a few weeks before I shall be seeing her.

Marylin scarf 003

I've currently only got 2 WIPs on the needles - my Salsa cardigan and pink wormy scarf. I'm trying desperately not to start anything else until the cardigan is done! Even though my Zauberball is calling to me very loudly, I shall try to resist! And I weakened in my Stashbusting efforts this week too. This little lot arrived........................

Sorbet stash 011

10 balls of Patons Sorbet to make this beautiful crochet bag. This will make the perfect project to start off the summer holidays. Most of the yarn was only 79p a ball from Kemps. Their service was brilliant, so I'm sure that I will be visiting again!

Well, can't sit around here chatting - I've got a cardigan to finish! Byeeeeeeeeee!


  1. Lovely socks josiekitten....both the pattern and the yarn. My June socks are at a standstill at the mo. Your recent stash arrival has already triggered a new arrival in the snoopydog home!!! Such a bargain and a great project. Can't wait for the summer hols!!!! Knitting without guilt :)X
    PS - save me a bit of fudge!

  2. Always good to finish a few items and buy yet more yarn, well done. The link to Kemps is brilliant, thanks for that, I'll be stocking up too.


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