Thursday 25 March 2010

A-Roving, A-Roving........

Well, ( in the words of the folk song) I hope it won't be the ruin of me! I had to just squeeze in this post to show you the absolutely scrummy fibre that I received from my knitting pal across the Pond, Cathy. We got chatting on Ravelry over a pair of socks (as you do) and last year, you may remember me sharing with you the beautiful yarn that I received from Cathy in a sock yarn swap. As we have both just started to learn how to spin, we thought that the natural progression would be to swap some fibre. I sent Cathy some superwash merino from The Thylacine. Megan has some absolutely beautiful yarn and fibre in her Etsy shop. It's well worth paying her a visit. I chose shades of purple with a hint of deep pink. It's easy to choose colours for Cathy, because our tastes are pretty similar - if I like it, then she will too! Don't you just love the mix of colours?

fibre swap (5)

I received my parcel from Cathy last weekend, but didn't show you then, as my parcel hadn't arrived in Canada. I was thoroughly spoilt with not only some superwash merino roving, but also the most beautiful, luxurious Fleece Artist silk and seacell fibre. It feels just delicious, like butter, so will have to be saved until I can spin it well enough to show off its loveliness! Here's the Fleece Artist fibre.... prepare to drool!

fibre swap (1)

and here's the superwash merino, by a Canadian Dyer - it really is as soft as it looks!

fibre swap (2)

She also sent me a card, which expands to give a knitting pattern! Why don't we have that sort of thing over here?

fibre swap (4)

You can be sure that I'll show you both yarns when I've spun them. One thing I know is, it won't be for a while!
I've been finalising my knitting projects to take to Toulouse with me. I can't believe that I leave on Sunday. I'm excited, and also a little nervous. It's going to be quite daunting having to teach in a French school, in French! I'm just hoping that the first week of intensive French tuition is going to work wonders! I'm taking my newly re-started Ripple scarf. It's working out pretty well being narrower, so I'm almost glad that I made the mistake I did! I've nearly finished the first repeat of colours.

toulouse knitting 003

I'm also taking some super dooper bright yarn from the Laughing Yaffle to knit another pair of Monkey socks. Ali's yarn is absolutely gorgeous. The colours are so vibrant. I've just ordered 2 sets of mini-skeins for my sock yarn blanket - my will power is terrible! I've even wound the skein into 2 balls all ready to start.

toulouse knitting 007

My other travelling project is going to be another scarf, using some Colinette silk and mohair yarns. The colours are lovely, and it's a really straight forward pattern, so I ought to be able to manage to knit whilst speaking French!

toulouse knitting 008

It's my last day at school tomorrow for 3 weeks, so I've been really busy tying up loose ends, and sorting out all the work for the supply teacher to do with the children next week. I'm looking forward to a chill out Saturday, before my early start on Sunday morning. It's Earth Hour this Saturday, so Mr JK and I shall be snuggled up in front of the fire with the candles lit - heaven!


  1. Lots of exciting things there. All those lovely fibres to spin, the trip to France and best of all packing your crafting for the visit. I always try to take something a bit special away with me and it seems you do too. Hope everything goes well, the language and the knitting, with maybe some (more) yarn purchasing too

  2. Gorgeous fibres.....such beautiful colours!!! Love the yaffle yarn too. It will make fab Monkeys. We'll be Earth Houring too.... as last year! Have a great time in France. XX

  3. Yummy... all of them! I'm in need of a little fiber inspiration. Thank you!

  4. oh man, is that roving ever beautiful!!

    your scarf is coming along nicely too - what a wonderful colorful fiberful post!!

  5. gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!
    can't wait to see what you do with it!!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx