I seem to have become a tad obsessed with the colour purple. This weekend I've cast on three new projects (just to make Snoopydog feel better about her mountain of WIPs of course!), and they all seem to be purple! Look!
Exhibit 1 - Infinity version of
Monkey Bread scarf using Great Northern Yarns
mink and cashmere yarn in radiant purple (it accidentally slipped into my stash, honest!) I'd forgotten quite how delicious this yarn is to knit with - a sheer delight. I know that we're coming into warmer weather, but I'm going to be all prepared for the cold winds next winter! I've done one repeat so far, but am already in love with it - it's going to be my best friend come December!

Exhibit 2 - sparkly purple socks, using the yarn I received from Julia in our recent swap, knitting another Anne Hanson pattern, Tesserae. The pattern is amazingly simple, but looks great. You can't see too much yet, as I've only done one pattern repeat. Having sparkly socks seems a little decadent, and I like that!!

Exhibit 3 - stripy purple and pink plain vanilla socks using the Violet Green sock generator pattern. My Uni friends all admired my handknit socks last year when we met up, so I have promised them each a pair. Diane asked for a purple/pink colourway, and I think this yarn fits the bill nicely. It's a Regia Design Line Erica Knight Jazz colourway. I rather like it, and have enough yarn to knit a pair for me too!

Add to the mix my Spriteling shawl, and I'm guilty as charged, m'lord! I took advantage of the quiet yesterday to get back on speaking terms with Spriteling. Mr JK went into Norwich to watch Norwich City playing their last match of the season (Premiership next season!!) and I managed to finish clue 1 and make a start on clue 2. So far, so good. Here's clue 1, done and dusted!

I haven't done any more on my Aegean Ishbel, as I'm thinking of adding some beads. We are going back to Cornwall for a week at the end of May, and I remember visiting a rather nice bead shop, so I shall probably hold fire until then.
Also on the knitting front, I have two rather lovely things to look forward to. The first is Knit Nation, in July. Snoopydog and I shall be spending the weekend at Imperial College, London, immersing ourselves in yarny goodness! We're going to be taking a sock design class with Cookie A, which is rather exciting. The second thing is that Mr JK has given me membership of the Knitspot Fall in Full Color Club. Starting in August, there will be 6 monthly packages of exclusive luxury yarn, plus an exclusive pattern, and other goodies! I can hardly wait! Anne Hanson has such great taste when it comes to choosing yarns, and I'm a huge fan of her designs. It's going to be like getting a birthday present every month! Luckily we are on good terms with our postman. When he rings on the door to deliver a squishy parcel, he hands it over with a smile, and a comment - 'more wool?'!
Mr JK has been busy in the garden, making the most of the lovely warm spring weather we've had here today. I'll show you how the garden's looking another time, but I must just share with you this photo mosaic - clockwise from the top we have grapes on the vine, flowers on the tomato plants, great bunches of blackcurrants and strawberries. What great promise of delicious fruits to come.

One more thing before I love you and leave you - also rather exciting. Today Mr JK and I visited a local cat sanctuary to make ourselves known and just to see what cats they had available. We're not going to rehome any until we get back from our week in Germany, at the start of August, but we've been approved as 'cat' people, so we just need to find the right cat(s) or let them choose us. We saw a gorgeous black and white female - so, so friendly and desperate for a home. I think we would have brought her back with us today if it was possible! It will be lovely to have little furry beings back in the house again. I'll catch up with you again soon. Have a good week! xxx