Sunday 22 May 2011

Purple spaghetti

I've been persevering with my Spriteling this week, and have knit clues 2 and 3 without any major mishaps! I think that I've been spurred on by seeing all the beautiful finished shawls over on Ravelry, and I'm determined that it's not going to get the better of me! I'm not especially keen on the large looped edging, so may well make it slightly less loopy when I get to the crochet cast off. At the moment, my knitting looks rather like a plate of purple spaghetti, but I'm reassured by looking at the finished photos of others that blocking will 'sort it'!

purple spaghetti! Spriteling WIP 003

My other knitting projects have grown during the week too. I finished test-knitting the sock for Alice, but won't post a photo, as it's for a not-yet-published book of socks. I will hopefully have some more impressive photos of other projects to show you soon!

I did receive the most wonderful swap parcel from Kim, in the USA. We have had such a lot of fun getting to know each other over the past fortnight, and have discovered that we share a love of fine yarns, chocolate and music, amongst other things. She is waiting (not that patiently!) for my parcel to arrive in sunny California! I was thrilled to receive my very first skein of Woolen Rabbit Kashmir yarn - it is beautifully soft, and I can't wait to start knitting it. I've lined up Anne Hanson's Budding Apple shawl pattern. Also in the package was a mint truffle bar, which only just lasted a few minutes longer than the photo took to take, a bar of milk chocolate almond toffee, also delicious, and a box of Choco Pods! It truly is a lovely parcel, and is a great start to what I know is going to be a Wonderful Time in the Knitspot Fall in Full Color Club!

clubhouse swap 001

The garden has been quite productive this week, despite our lack of any significant rainfall. We ate our first broad beans yesterday, with the promise of more to come! This is one of my favourite ways to eat them!

garden 22 may 2011 001

We also have flowers on our courgettes!

garden 22 may 2011 002

and on our cucumbers too!

garden may 22nd 2011 001

We are off on holiday to Cornwall this Friday for a week, so I may not manage to blog until my return in a fortnight. Whatever you are up to, I hope you have fun too! See you! xxx


  1. I'm sure the shawl will turn out just right when you have finished it.

    Have a lovely holiday!

    Leah :)

  2. Never mind all that yarny stuff, I can't believe you have broad beans, mine are just out of the ground and I completely forgot to plant courgettes. I might come and steal yours while you are on holiday.

  3. The shawl is looking good. Aren't swaps fun? It is always fun to receive a package filled with yarn and chocolate!

  4. I have finished my Spriteling but I havn't put a photo on ravelry just on my blog.I must say I found it very challenging with so many yo's and decs and no stitch count at the end of each row just to check you were ok.i am also sure my has lots of mistakes!!

  5. Your Spriteling is looking lovely, good luck with the rest of it, and have a lovely holiday.

  6. tell mr.jk his garden is looking amazing!!

    and tell yourself that your spriteling is looking amazing!! :) you can do it!!

    hope you enjoyed your holiday!!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx