Saturday 21 May 2011

Dear Mom

Dear Mom,
I hope that you're well. I wanted to write to let you know that I am fine.

When you first picked me out of your stash, I was very excited. I thought that I was going to become a new shawl or scarf, especially for you. But when I got shut in a dark box, I was very sad. I thought that I must have done something wrong because you didn't want me any more. Did I accidentally felt a little bit, or pill? Was I too splitty? On my long journey I worried and worried about what I could have done to upset you so much. When I slept, I had nightmares about being surrounded by a mass of nasty neon acrylic and fun fur yarn!

Dear Mom 003

But as soon as I arrived at my destination, I realised why you had chosen me. It was because you loved me so much, that you wanted other knitters to be able to love me too! My new Mom strokes me and cuddles me, just like you did, and tells me just how gorgeous I am!

I soon made lots of new friends. They were feeling a bit lonely too - one of their friends had disappeared rather suddenly it seems, so they welcomed me with open arms. They talk a bit weird, but I can understand them fine, most of the time!

Dear Mom 006

I found a familiar bag that I'm going to make my special cosy place too!

Dear Mom 013

And Mom, do you know what the best thing is? I've met someone that I really, really like! She's from Germany, so we're having a little bit of trouble communicating. But love conquers all!

Dear Mom 009

Don't you just think that we're a match made in heaven?! We might go off and knit some stitches together! Just think what beautiful yarn babies we could make!
Don't worry about me Mom. I am just fine!
I love you,

Your loving 'son', The Woollen Rabbit xxx

Dear Mom 007


  1. Googley eyes make everything awesome!

  2. AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!! You are just so hilarious Helen. I am goign to show this to my boys. This will solidify in their minds that their mom, and her wool-loving friends, are nuts. I'm so glad my little fuzz-ball Denim Boy is happy with his new girlfriend!

  3. Heheheeee,,,
    thank you for the laugh!

    The new couple look like a pair made in heaven! maybe they would like to become an Ulmus? :)

  4. ah .. le matasse innamorate ... you made my day!
    hapy knitting

  5. Ha ha! Love it! LOVE the yarn! He's certainly come to a good home, that's for sure. Rosx

    P.S. Light relief from report writing?

  6. Always tricky when the babies leave home, hope you are coping.


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx