Sunday 15 May 2011

Sweet anticipation

I've been a bit of a busy bee this week. Not a huge amount of knitting to share with you .... it's still a melange of purple. Extra this week is a sock I'm test knitting for Alice Yu (Socktopus). I'm on quite a tight time schedule for that, and I'm having to knit it from a chart as well!! I'm at the heel, so should be able to complete it in time. Everything else has grown, but not significantly enough to warrant separate photos.

more purple melange 003

I met up with a bloggy friend this week. Minniemoll was on holiday in my neck of the woods, so we met up for tea and cake after school one day, and then she joined me at knitting group. It was lovely to meet her and we are planning to get together at Woolfest in June.

So if it's not knitting that's kept you busy, what is it then? I hear you ask! Well, remember I told you that Mr JK had treated me to membership of the Knitspot yarn club? The first shipment of yarn isn't until August, and there'd been so much activity in the clubhouse on Ravelry, that it seemed a shame to let it drop off. So I got in touch with Kim and Kat, two of the group's moderators, with the suggestion of a 'yarn and chocolate' swap, and a KAL using a Knitspot pattern, between now and August. Let me tell you, these two ladies don't sit still! Before you could say 'stocking stitch', swap sign ups had opened! Sixty five members signed up, and I had the job of matching up partners. Since then, I've had lots of fun getting to know my partner, Kim, and have sent her some of my favourite yarn and chocolate. I can't wait to see what she's sent me too, and then choose a pattern to knit! I can tell that this is going to be such a fun club to belong to!

The garden is doing well, despite the lack of rain in our corner of the world. This morning I spotted this ........

garden 15.05.11 001

and this ..........

garden 15.05.11 005

so it won't be too long before we are able to pick enough broad beans for supper, and have fresh strawberries on my porridge in the mornings! I shall say goodbye now, as I really must get on with that sock for Alice. Hopefully, by next weekend, I'll have received my parcel from Kim, and will be able to share its contents with you. What yarn would you send someone as a gift, and what would you like to receive? Please do tell me! xxx


  1. I would send Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran as this is my favourite yarn and I would want to share this with others.

    I would like a delicate type of yarn to practise my crochet with as have a bookmark pattern I want to tackle which uses a very fine yarn.

    Have a good week.

    Leah x

  2. Lovely splash of purples an, mauves and pinks there. I too am ridiculously excited about the club!!!!!!!! Have a great week. Rosx

  3. Aahh!! Purpley goodness!! It all looks lovely, especially the Spriteling.

  4. I love that picture, it looks so coordinated ;)

  5. i love your pile of purple wips!
    and yay for strawberries!! makes me want to go and ferret though my small patch, hoping to find a sweet red gem too!

  6. Just stumbled upon your blog and I'm drooling over your yarn, I just want to touch it all! Your work is lovely. I'm aspiring to do a cushion in that cable stitch you're doing, as I'm just gaining confidence in cables. Have a nice week :-)

  7. AAAHHHH!!!! You blogged our goofiness! Well, let's hope your package comes soon. I hope you are excited about it! It's been so fun getting to know you! And you blog! So now I can be a blog stalker! woohoo!!

  8. I love lilac, too! Wishing you good progress and a nice weekend! Yours, Julia


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx