Saturday 21 July 2012

Tour de Fleece - Day 22

I wound my yarn onto the niddy noddy this morning and am delighted with the yardage. I have about 560 metres to play around with. I think I know what it's going to become, but I just need to check on the wpi before making a final decision. Then I'll spill the beans! The skein has been soaked and is currently hanging up to dry.

Tour de Fleece 2012 day 22 (4)

It feels really silky and I think the bamboo is going to give the yarn a gorgeous drape. Here's the skein pre-soaking.

Tour de Fleece 2012 day 22 (1)

I also got round to soaking all the little skeins for my Sheep Heid. I colour coded each skein so that I'd be able to identify them afterwards. I've printed out the pattern now and will try to match up my colours with the suggested ones. I'm keen to make a start on this once the Tour de Fleece is over. Here they all are drying in the shower room!

Sheep Heid skeins drying (2)

I have some rather lovely fibre from Picperfic that I'm going to play around with for the last day of the Tour. It feels rather delicious. Florence thinks so too! xxx

Fluff from Marianne (6)


  1. Wow, that looks so great, Helen. You have been busy!

  2. This is really gorgeous! I love the rich colour. You've spun so, so evenly. Look forward to seeing what you are going to make. I really must get going with my wheel this summer. See you soon. Rosx

  3. well that's an impressive yardage if you ask me!
    now i can't wait to hear what you're going to knit!

    love all your little skeins drying on the shower bar.



Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx