Sunday 22 July 2012

Tour de Fleece - Day 23

So here we are on the last day of the Tour. I'm quite sad it's come to an end as I have enjoyed spending time each day on my spinning. Although it has to be said that my knitting time has been severely eaten into. Today I have been spinning some rather lovely fibre - a blend of merino, camel and silk. It is gorgeous and deserves a blog post of its own another time. So for now you'll just have to make do with a photo! I hope to finish spinning it this evening. Then I'll be back tomorrow for a summary of my Tour de Fleece. xxx

Tour de Fleece 2012 day 23 (1)


  1. Well done to you and Bradley, you made it. Your Tour de Fleece and his Tour de France have each been an incredible achievement and I loved both though the former was somewhat less stressful for me.

  2. oh that fiber is spinning up so nicely!

    congrats to you on a finished tour!!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx