Monday 23 July 2012

Tour de Fleece - summing up

It's been a busy old Tour for me this year. I managed to spin every day, except for the day we went to Bruges. I thought I might have a 'ta-dah!' moment and share my yarns with you.

Firstly, Picperfic's Fluff'n'Stuff Twinkle fibre, N-plyed. I ended up with 210 metres, so not enough for socks (for me at least!), but perhaps a hat?

Fluff'n'Stuff Twinkle

Next, my British breeds spun up for my Sheep Heid hat. In total, I have around 400 metres of lovely, sheepy 2 ply yarn. This will be my first real colourwork project - it's something I've wanted to try for some time now.

British breeds Sheep Heid

My greatest spinning efforts probably went into the Sweet Georgia Panda fibre. It's a mix of merino, bamboo and nylon. I have around 560 metres of 2 ply laceweight yarn. It drapes beautifully and I think I am going to knit Wandering Thyme with it.

Sweet Georgia Panda

Lastly, a touch of luxury with Fluff'n'Stuff's Teddy - a mix of superfine merino, baby camel and mulberry silk. I spun it as a single and have about 450 metres of light fingering weight. I'm not quite sure what it's going to become yet!

Fluff'n'Stuff Teddy

So although I didn't manage to achieve all my goals (spinning enough yardage for socks and spinning silk fibre), I am pretty pleased with what I achieved, especially with a busy end of term going on too. Now it's back to the knitting!! I have a lot of new yarn to knit up! See you soon! xxx


  1. Wow!! All your spinning is beautiful. I shall look forward to seeing the progress on your Sheep Heid. I really want to make this, and I think I might have enough natural colour yarn to dye for it, but I just haven't got around to it yet!

  2. You should be proud of a great achievement. The yarns look very professional. Happy holidays!

  3. Thank you so much for such great blogging throughout the Tour! Some lovely projects and so nicely documented. These 'summing up' mosaics really complete it nicely - I hope you have a real sense of achievement!

  4. (tonight I start spinning my picperfic fluff into singles for the Ravelympics - itching to get started!)

  5. Wow, that's a lot of spinning, and beautifully done!

  6. You've spun some really gorgeous yarns!!!! XX

  7. fantastic!!
    what a successful tour you had!

  8. goodness, this is super impressive! they are all absolutely gorgeous! i especially love those sheepy greys


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx