Sunday 28 October 2012

A Scottish Adventure - Day 1

Well hello there! Mr JK and I are currently 'north of the Border' - we are in Scotland! On the Isle of Skye to be more precise. Skye is the largest and most northerly of the Inner Hebrides. If you're interested, you can find out more here. We left Norfolk after work on Friday and stopped overnight at Darlington. This was what we awoke to yesterday morning ........

Yes, snow!!!! A covering of the white stuff! Luckily, there wasn't much and it didn't stop us getting on our way. As we got further north, the weather actually got brighter and brighter. We stopped briefly by the shores of Loch Lomond - simply beautiful.

Skye day 1 006

 We drove along next to its shores for pretty much the whole length of the Loch. Breathtaking views!

Skye day 1 007

We arrived at our cottage later in the afternoon. It's pretty remote, on the edge of Loch Vatten in the north west of the island. The rain had set in for the evening, so we battened down the hatches, lit the fire and were lovely and toasty!
The rain continued overnight, but the weather is set to improve after lunch, so we shall get out and about and explore the surroundings today. Funnily enough, we are not too far from the Skye Shilasdair yarn shop!!! I can feel a woolly purchase or two! See you later. xxx

Skye day 1 016


  1. We've only visited briefly but loved it and have vowed to return and do some walking. That track round Quarang looked great.
    Have a great time.

  2. beautiful beautiful photos!
    and lucky you to get yourselves a little dusting of snow!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx