Saturday 20 October 2012

A weekend in Bath

Hello again! It's been so hectic here chez josiekitten that since returning from Bath last Sunday night, I've hardly had time to breathe, let alone blog!! Never mind, better late than never, here's a quick recount of my weekend.

Bath is, quite simply, a beautiful city. Its Georgian architecture is the first thing you notice - you can't really miss it! It was a fabulous place to be a student, and it looks like it has got even better since I graduated 25 years ago! I meet up once a year with four of my Uni friends. We usually take it in turns to host, but this year decided it was time to pay another visit to Bath. We did all the touristy things, of course.

The Circus .....

Bath 2012 007

the Royal Crescent .....

Bath 2012 009

Pulteney Bridge .....

Bath 2012 019

and Bath Abbey ......

Bath 2012 024

There was a choir rehearsing for a wedding that afternoon and the sound of Parry's 'I was Glad' filled the nave. Just beautiful. I'd forgotten just how nice it was inside.

Bath 2012 026

Bath 2012 035

We went to the Theatre Royal to see The Ladykillers and had a delicious Italian meal afterwards. There was plenty of time for tea and cake too, you'll be pleased to hear. This one was sticky toffee cake and it was rather yummy!

Bath 2012 046

We also went up to the University for a nostalgic look around. Lots of it was unchanged, but there has been a huge amount invested in sport, and Bath University was well represented at the Olympics this year. The sports facilities are just amazing.
I did manage to finish the last pair of socks, just in the nick of time on Sunday morning. My friends have all put in a request for another pair, so I have already started on those. I don't want to leave it 'til the last minute again. It was a bit too close for comfort!!

Plain Vanilla sock no11 (1)

I did buy something knitting-related from a fantastic stall in the indoor market - some printed ribbon to sew onto handknits. Very cute, I thought!

Knitty ribbon 001

It's only a week until half term, and Mr JK and I are going to Skye for the week. I can't wait, it's been a busy half term, and I definitely need some chill-out time. The cottage we are staying in sounds pretty remote, but it does have internet access, so I hope to be able to blog a little while I am away. I have a yarny visit planned to the Shilasdair shop, so hope to share my purchase(s)! See you next week! xxx


  1. Bath really is lovely. I haven't been since I was a child, but I remember it being beautiful. It sounds like you had a fabulous time. I am envious of you going to Skye. My friends went there a couple of years ago and the photos they took were stunning. I'd forgotten about Shilsadair being up in that neck of the woods. How wonderful being able to visit in person, and see the yarns in the location that inspired them. Can't wait to hear all about that trip!

  2. oh my goodness, i can not get over that photo of the cathedral ceiling - so so amazing!
    thank you so much for sharing your photos. to me bath is akin to a mythical place people only go to in storybooks... it fun to get to see it in "real" life!

  3. Bath is beautiful, I would love to be able to go and explore it properly at some point. Your photos of the cathedral are stunning...and I love the tape/ribbon - very cute.

  4. What lovely photos, and I do like the ribbon. :)

  5. Looks like you had a lovely time. Loving that cute tape! Have a relaxing week in Skye.... you deserve it! Rosx

  6. Wow, your photos of Bath are beautiful. I have only been twice and both times were rushed. I really need to go back. Sounds like you had a great weekend. Have a wonderfully restful halfterm

  7. Oohh, Parry and sticky toffee cake too? So wonderful! I am a choral singer from way back and English anthems are simply the best! Attending Kings College Lessons and Carols is on my bucket list.


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx