Sunday 2 December 2012

Commencing countdown - week 1

It's Christmassy! 003

December already, I can't believe it! This tea light holder is twinkling away on our mantlepiece. It's about as Christmassy as we are going to get, as all the decorations are in a box somewhere! We still don't have any house news, all the waiting is pretty stressful. Florence continues to survey her kingdom from a great height!
mountaineer Flo (5)
I have done a little more on my sock, and have also test knitted a cowl for Anne Hanson. I'm not sure if it's ok for me to blog it yet, so I will hold fire for the moment.

I have been helping out LoveKnitting with feedback about their website and product range. They currently have a job vacancy that would be perfect for a passionate knitter. If you are interested, take a look here. It sounds like it would be a wonderful way to spend a few hours each day. Good luck if you decide to apply, and don't forget to tell them how you heard about the job!
Commencing countdown week 1 001

We lit the first candle on our mini-Advent crown this evening. A colleague brought it back from Germany. Talking of which, we are off to Munich next weekend to stay with Mr JK's family! I suspect the gluhwein will be flowing and a visit to the Weihnachtsmarkt will be in order. So I will see you after the weekend! Have a good week! xxx


  1. Have a good week.Hope your move goes ahead soon.

  2. Oh, I do feel for you re the moving. It's very stressful, and I hope it all works itself out. Have a lovely time in Munich. :)

  3. As they say:"You're keeping us in suspenders!!"

  4. In 2007 we moved on 21st December - that was really stressful so I know what you are going through. Hope everything gets sorted soon. Florence looks very comfortable in her eyrie.

  5. At least you are putting your house stress into useful packing! Looks like great progress. I love your Advent crown - so sweet and much safer than the larger versions with pine boughs, etc.

    Have fun in Germany! Will you be near Wollmeise? :-)

  6. love your tiny advent candle! so sweet.

    i'm hoping you won't have to be in suspense about your house for too long! fingers crossed!!

    enjoy your week and have fun in munich!!

  7. Your knitting and spinning is so impressive, you deserve an award!
    I've nominated you for a Liebster Award, go to the blog post below for more details.

  8. I love your little advent crown! Have a good time in Germany, you deserve a break from the trauma of selling and buying a house!

  9. Hi
    Missing your company at Mary's on a thursday evening, Morris knitting group in Sydney isn't quite as friendly. Would have loved the job but can't quite see me commuting to London


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx