Wednesday 12 December 2012

Feeling rather festive!

Commencing countdown - week 2 003

Oh what a hectic time it's been! Our flights to Munich were rescheduled to first thing on Saturday morning due to the heavy snow in Amsterdam, so we had a rather early start that day with the alarm going off at 4am! Ugh! It was worth it though, as we spent a wonderful weekend visiting different Christmas markets and catching up with Mr JK's family. The Germans certainly know how to 'do' Christmas, the Christkindlmarkts are just delightful and relatively non-commercialised. We visited three small ones around Munich, one of them up in the mountains of Southern Bavaria, where the snow really made it into a winter wonderland. Here's a little snapshot of the weekend .......
Bavarian Christkindlmarkt 2012

The drive through Southern Bavaria was stunning, with blue skies and sunshine making the snow and ice glitter like diamonds. The temperature dropped as low as -9 degrees Celsius, and it certainly did feel chilly! I was snuggled inside my Monkeybread cowl and kept nice and toasty.
Munich December 2012 076

Munich December 2012 078

We enjoyed some hearty Bavarian food while we were there too - beer (of course!) and pork goulash with potato dumplings for me!
Munich December 2012 042

Munich December 2012 045

We bought a couple of little decorations at the markets - a super-cute needlefelted reindeer and a rather hirsute Santa! They now have pride of place on the mantelpiece.

Commencing countdown - week 2 001

Commencing countdown - week 2 002

I'm starting to feel really Christmassy now. Most of the presents have been bought and wrapped, although Florence arrived home from her cat hotel on Monday night telling us she'd like Santa to bring her a furry igloo to sleep in, because she loved the one at the cattery so much!! We shall have to see if she's been a good enough girl!! I still have a mountain of cards to write, and there's Christmas cooking to be done. Sausage rolls are on the agenda for Saturday. I might share one with you! xxx


  1. oh wow! it all looks so wonderful! i'm glad you had a wonderful weekend in munchën!
    everything is so festive and beautiful!
    enjoy your week!!

  2. What a great weekend.Thanks for sharing it with us.

  3. What gorgeous photos, and I love the new decorations. :)

  4. Glad you had a lovely weekend! Great pics! looking forward to seing you o Sunday. Rosx

  5. Festive indeed! What a fun weekend!

  6. You can keep the snow and the beer and the Christmas frippery, but I'd love that plate of rib sticking food. Gorgeous.


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx