Sunday 14 July 2013

Tour de Fleece Day 16

Oh have I got a treat for you today!! I started spinning some new fibre this afternoon. Yesterday I met up with Marianne from Fluff-n-Stuff (more on that tomorrow when it's my rest day from the Tour.) I am a huge fan of her fibre, and I was lending her some of the items I've knit up using yarn spun from her fluff. They will be used on Marianne's stand at Fibre East in a fortnight's time. As a thank you, Marianne very kindly gave me a braid of a new fibre she's got in - it's a mix of 50% Blue Faced Leicester and 50% Ramie. Marianne has named this new blend 'Stinger'!! You see, ramie comes from nettles!! I didn't realise that ramie has been in use for thousands of years. It has even been found in the fabric used to wrap up Egyptian mummies. It adds a silky lustre to fabric and is very strong. Feast your eyes on this! It's in the 'Maddie' colourway, and is a gorgeous mix of blues, purples and greens with a smidgeon of yellow thrown in for good measure!
Tour de Fleece 2013 Day 16 001

Tour de Fleece 2013 Day 16 006


Don't you just love all those colours together? I split the braid in half down the middle, and then one half I split into 4 further sections, by halving and then halving again, so I ended up with 4 thin repeats of the fibre to spin. I predrafted the first length, but needn't have bothered as it pretty much drafted itself!!

Tour de Fleece 2013 Day 16 015

My bobbin started filling up. I kept stopping to admire the colours lined up alongside each other!!

Tour de Fleece 2013 Day 16 016

I'm spinning this on the middle ratio wheel again to get enough twist in the singles. I might try plying it on the biggest ratio wheel for a more floppy yarn. We'll see! Once I'd started spinning, I wanted to keep going and spin up the first half. It was surprisingly quick!
Tour de Fleece 2013 Day 16 020

Tour de Fleece 2013 Day 16 023

It's a rest day tomorrow, so I shall try to resist the temptation of spinning the other half!! Pop back and see if I managed! xxx


  1. Now that is absolutely gorgeous. Would you consider selling it?

  2. The boys in lycra still ride on rest days so I think its OK for you to spin just not flat out competitively. Lovely stuff by the way.

  3. Very pretty. I love the colors

  4. this post has me picking my jaw up off the floor!

  5. Just had to drop in and say I love those colours - gorgeous!!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx