Monday 15 July 2013

Tour de Fleece Day 17

It's another rest day today and so far I have resisted the temptation to spin the other half of the fibre. It's calling out to me though! Not just me, but evidently Flo too, as I found her curled up on top of it on the table this morning! Nothing gets past her!!
We had a lovely day on Saturday. As I told you yesterday, we met up with Marianne and her husband Barry in Wells-next-the Sea. It was a gorgeous sunny day and the beach was packed!

Wells next the sea July 2013 (8)

Wells next the sea July 2013 (7)

Walking a little further down the beach, the crowds thinned. The sand there is soft and golden, perfect for walking through with bare feet!

Wells next the sea July 2013 (11)

We walked back through the pinewoods, the trees do make it a very magical place.

Wells next the sea July 2013 (1)

Then a stroll back down alongside the channel leading to the harbour. It was busy with people crabbing, eating ice creams or fish and chips. Perfect seaside pastimes

Wells next the sea July 2013 (4)

Wells next the sea July 2013 (6)

I knit my plain vanilla 'sanity sock' in the car there and back. To be honest, knitting has rather taken a back seat this last week. I seem to have been spinning at every opportunity. I'm on the foot now though, so I ought to have a finished sock to share with you very soon. See you tomorrow when I'll be back spinning again! Here's another glimpse of the gorgeous colours in the fibre. xxx
Tour de Fleece 2013 Day 16 014


  1. what a perfectly idyllic place for a day at the beach!
    love all those colorful beach houses lined up in a row.

    ps - i'd have to agree with flo - that fiber looks like the perfect place for a comfortable nap!

  2. What a lovely blog you have here:) Do you have bloglovin to follow with??

    Check out my blog...If you want some cute Swedish decor inspiration:)

    Have a grea weekend dear

    LOVE Maria at


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx