Sunday 7 September 2014

Hunt the cat........

Have you spotted her?!

not very helpful flo (1)

No?!  Is she on her fleece? Nope. Curled up on the sofa? Nope! Look harder!!

not very helpful flo (2)

Ah, there you are Flo!! Why on earth didn't I think of looking there first?! Where else would you possibly choose to go to sleep than the jigsaw mat! Duh!! Silly me! xxx


  1. I spotted her immediately but then I used to have a black cat just like yours, so my eyes are tuned in. My current cat sits on my computer keyboard. I think she wants my full attention sometimes.

  2. She doesn't look real please to be having her photo taken, either… Lol.

  3. Perhaps she fancies a go at puzzling! First days back have been okay, but rather hectic! Hope your start has been bearable. Rosx

  4. oh flo... such the helper!
    last night pip had the entire couch to sit on but chose to sit on the one part where my knitting was laying.... what would we do without their help?!?!?

  5. Oh, she's so funny! It's amazing the weird and wonderful places thst csts find to sleep in.

  6. Ha Ha I would never have spotted her, she looks like she is good at jigsaws.
    By the way I love your units, we are moving and they are just what we are looking for. Can I ask where you got them from?


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx