Sunday 14 September 2014

Keep on running.....

.......and that's exactly what Mr JK did today, taking part in the East Anglian Air Ambulance 10K Runway Run. Everyone was running to raise funds for the Air Ambulance. It's hard to believe that such an essential service depends solely on donations. It caused quite a stir when the Air Ambulance landed before the race. I had hoped that Prince William might be piloting the helicopter, but I don't think he has started his training yet!

EAAA Runway Run Sept 2014 (9)

Mr JK ran a personal best so he was pleased. I cheered him on from various points around the course. And while he was running, I also did my bit to support the air ambulance - I bought (and ate!) a rather yummy cupcake from one of the fund raising stalls!!

doing my bit for the East Anglian Air Ambulance (1)

Mr JK is in training for the Norwich Half Marathon in November, so the 10K is a mere warm up for him!!

going for gold!

I have been knitting a fair bit this week, but still all on secret projects, so Mum's the word for now. But I can share with you a rather lovely knitting needle case that I received this week. Although I knit on interchangeable needles for many of many of my projects, I still like to use my 'traditional' long needles. They were in a bit of a mess, stored in several places, so I asked Michele over at ThreeBagsFull if she would be able to make me a case for long needles. I spent a fun hour yesterday afternoon digging out all my needles and arranging them in their new home! It's so nice to have them all in one place! xxx

knitting needle case (1)

knitting needle case (4)

knitting needle case (6)

knitting needle case (5)


  1. That's a great needle case. I like the double-decker design.

  2. Well done Mr JK!!!! Lovely needle case in a very cute print! Ros

  3. Congratulations to Mr JK, what a great achievement! The needle roll is fab, I love that it has so many spaces in it.

  4. congrats to mr jk!
    and congrats to you for the cupcake! it looks delicious! :)

    your new case is adorable!


  5. That's such a cute needle case, and how cool is that helicopter?


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx