Wednesday 2 January 2019

Highs and Lows

I hoped you've all had a good Christmas and had a lovely time; eating lots of yummy food, catching up with family and friends, relaxing at home or whatever else has made you smile. My Christmas and New Year were good but quiet. Being sociable requires a lot of energy which I don't have at the moment, but knitting needles and fingers crossed that will improve as the year goes on!

I had another read of my New Year blogpost last year and was very relieved to see that I didn't set myself too many goals. Just as well given how 2018 turned out! But one of my goals was to raise some more money for the British Heart Foundation in memory of Mr JK, and thanks to the generosity of very many lovely yarny folk and YOU, I managed to raise over £8000 in my Great Yarn Giveaway. That was definitely a high point in my year and I feel very proud that I was able to raise so much money. I'd like to do some more fundraising in the future so will need to think of another crazy idea! 

I didn't manage to come up with a design a month using Stylecraft yarns, although I have several ideas in the pipeline. However, I did have a sock pattern, Tiptoe, published by Stylecraft and also released several other free patterns on Ravelry. 

My running goals and challenges never got off the ground unfortunately as my health issues developed. I still have the idea that Mr JK and I discussed way back on our favourite beach in Kos bubbling away in the background, and that is going to be something that I really try to work on this year. If it ever comes to anything, you can be sure that I will be shouting about it from the rooftops! I did go back to Greece too and spent a week soaking up the sunshine and remembering all the wonderful holidays that Mr JK and I spent there. 

My health issues took over my life as the year went on. Looking back, I probably started to feel unwell way back at the beginning of 2018, but it all happened so gradually that feeling like that became the norm. Once I went to see my GP in June and the first blood tests were taken, things moved along pretty speedily. I cannot speak highly enough about the NHS - every single person I have encountered has been so, so kind and nothing is too much trouble. We are so lucky to have the NHS and I will never take it for granted. I've now had 25 hospital appointments and am on so many different drugs that I must rattle! I certainly didn't expect to be having to carry around all these cards. Until 2018, I've always considered myself to be pretty healthy. Although cancer has been ruled out for now, the oncology team are keeping a close eye on me as there is high probability of it rearing its head at some point. So I'm very thankful to have such a great team of doctors and nurses taking such good care of me.

I've been very lucky to have the support of friends during this time, and one friend, Julia, has come with me to every single appointment, taking notes of what's been said and keeping me smiling and positive. I am hoping that the medication starts to have an effect soon and that I will be able to start to recover and return to work. In the meantime, all my knitting, crochet and sewing help to give my days some structure. 2019 is going to be a year of nurture and I shall try to be the best that I can be and continue to make Mr JK proud of me. Thank you to you, as always, for keeping me company over the last twelve months. Please come along with me on my journey through 2019. Happy New Year to you and I hope that 2019 is happy, healthy and peaceful for you and your loved ones. xxx


  1. I do hope 2019 is better for you.Have you got Rheumatoid Arthritis or have you not had a diagnosis?My OH takes methotrexate once a week for his Rheumatoid Arthritis and it is working well.He was diagnosed four years ago and has only had one flare up.He also has no spleen.Reading your blogpost made us realise that with these conditions he should carry or wear something to alert someone in an emergency.He is on the job now.Thank you.
    Fingers crossed for a healthier future for you and keep blogging.Barbarax

  2. Wishing you a happy New Year. I do hope your health improves soon. Best wishes , xxx

  3. Dear Helen, I have enjoyed reading your blog for quite some time, and have never commented, so here goes. First of all I hope that you have a happy new year in 2019 and also a healthy one as you continue on with your treatment. Love your blog photos when Flo manages to be in the shot! The photos of your socks in this entry are really beautiful. I would love to be able to make those, but have not ever knitted socks before, although I do enjoy knitting. I look forward to more sock and Flo blog entries. Regards, Robyn

  4. Happy New Year Helen. I hope it's a good one for you and your family and that you start to feel better soon.

  5. Wishing you a happy new year Helen. I hope that you continue to make progress and that 2019 is kind to you. Best wishes Jane

  6. Happy New Year to you, Helen. I read your blog and Facebook posts without fail and so enjoy your writing and the sharing of your life. I wish you the very best in the future and hope your health improves steadily. Take care and know that I am thinking of you in 2019!

  7. I’m pretty sure MrJK would be proud of you no matter what. Take care of yourself and Flo. Just snuggle in and feel better. Best thoughts for a better 2019.

  8. Happy new year Helen (and Flo!). I hope your health continues to improve, and I absolutely agree with what you said about the wonderful NHS. They are amazing!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx