Thursday 5 March 2020

Happy Feet!

My stripy socks are finished and I abso-flipping-lutely love them! I am a huge fan of both self-striping yarns and bright, rainbow colours so these tick both boxes very nicely. The afterthought heel, a new-to-me skill from last week's knitting retreat is perfect for this kind of yarn. Flo seems to approve too as I struggled to take a photo without her photobombing it! They will brighten up these dull days no end. The yarn is from Fab Funky Fibres if you're interested. Have a good day! xxx


  1. Beautiful socks; such a lovely yarn and I do love an afterthought heel!

  2. They are gorgeous; love those colourful stripes. They look beautiful against Flo's fur. xx

  3. Lovely socks. I think Flo is expecting you to knit her some! After all you should be taking photos of her!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx