Tuesday 3 March 2020

Suffolk Socks knitting retreat

I can't quite believe that this time last week I was at the Suffolk Socks knitting retreat. Julie, who runs Suffolk Socks, messaged me last year to see if I was interested in attending. But when I read that the venue wasn't suited for people with mobility issues, I thought it wasn't going to be possible. A space came up earlier this year and I messaged Julie just to check that the building really wasn't going to be suitable and she replied to say that if I was able to manage the odd step up or down into a room, then there was a ground floor bedroom with my name on the door! I jumped at the chance and spent the next few weeks looking forward to it. There were a couple of other knitters travelling from Norwich so I was able to get a lift with them. Ellie, who is Crafthouse Magic, was helping Julie out with the retreat - she is very bubbly and funny and kept Jean and I entertained as we made our way to Ipswich. The venue was the Old Neptune, an absolute hidden gem of a building tucked away by the waterfront; it is a 15th century Grade 2 listed Medieval house and it was just the most perfect place to be. Ellie, who has a weekly podcast, has actually recorded one just about the retreat, so if you're interested, you can watch it here

There was a huge kitchen, a dining room that could seat more than twenty people and a lounge filled with squishy sofas and the most magnificent fire place that kept us nice and cosy the whole time we were there. Julie, Ellie and Emma from Seren Yarn were organising the retreat, so we arrived earlier than the other knitters so that Ellie could help out. Jean and I sat in the lounge and knitted, waiting for the rest of the retreaters to arrive. There were 15 of us staying in total, and a couple of people came just for the day. They were a lovely bunch of people and there was a lot of fun and laughter throughout the entire retreat. It felt so good to be with people who shared your passion for yarn. We were fed and watered very well throughout our stay - lots of breakfast choices, soup, quiche and salads for lunch and the yummiest home cooked dinners each evening. And there was always tea and cake! I really appreciated the food, as my own cooking has got less and less over the last year. Ready meals just aren't the same as well cooked food are they? And the puddings! Oh my word, they were scrum-diddly-umptious! Just take a look here - Malteser cheesecake, raspberry and lemon roulade and pear crumble with ice cream. Yummy!

The whole retreat was very relaxed, and people went out for walks along the waterfront, to the local fabric shop and beyond. There were also workshops that you could join in with. Emma showed us how to make Dorset buttons. She was wearing the most lovely cardigan which she'd added Dorset buttons to for the perfect finish. It's definitely a craft I'd like to try again. 

Julie did a sewing class and we made a felt bird. She has lots of lovely sewing kits in her shop as well as sock yarn, well worth taking a look if you like sewing. 

Ellie showed us how to add an afterthought heel on a sock. I'd been looking forward to this class as it's something that I was keen to learn. The scariest bit is cutting your knitting! But once you've done that, it's pretty straight forward. I've completed the second sock since getting home, but I will have to share that with you another day as I've not uploaded the photos to my computer yet.

On the first evening, we were each given a goody bag with some lovely things in: a purple batik project bag and lavender bag sewn by Ellie along with a Crafthouse Magic miniskein and badge, three of Julie's sock patterns, a Kew Gardens Botanical colouring book and pencils, a beautiful stitch marker necklace, some hand balm and an Emma Bridgewater mug (my first one ever and I must say that my tea tastes very good in it!) I wasn't expecting anything, so it was a real surprise and I think we all felt thoroughly spoilt. 

There was a mini-market on the last afternoon, and there were some lovely things to buy. As well as Ellie selling her yarn and bags, Emma selling yarn and bags and Julie bringing a selection of all the wonderful things she stocks in her shop, some of the other participants brought things to sell. Paula, who sells as Eva Faith, had some lovely stitch markers and bags. Viv, who sells as Betty Arthur Creations, had some gorgeous stitch markers too! I also had my patterns available for people to buy. I did treat myself to a few souvenirs of the week away - had to be done! 

Here's my haul - it does include all the treats from our welcome goody bag too! Just so you don't think I was too frivolous!!

On the very last evening, after dinner, there was a lucky dip where we each got another gift. Again, totally unexpected and it just shows what a lovely group of people it was running the retreat. I got a set of Knit Pro knitting charms which are really sweet, and some stitch markers. 

I had a truly wonderful week. So wonderful that I'm going to go back to the next one! Julie has booked the same venue from October 12-15 later this year. There are still some places available, so if you'd like to spend a few days in a beautiful building, eating cake, drinking tea, knitting and having fun, then get in touch with Julie via her Instagram page. Thank you so much Julie, Emma and Ellie for making sure that we all had the best time! xxx


  1. What a fantastic retreat! The building is beautiful, the food looks delish and I'm really coveting your goody bag gifts and purchases! I've been wondering about trying a true afterthought heel. The nearest I've come to it was when my fish lips kiss heels wore through on a favourite pair of socks (both simultaneously!) and I was able to rip them out and knit new heels. That was scary enough but the thought of deliberately cutting my knitting - aargh!
    I'm glad you had a wonderful time and I'm sure Flo is pleased to have you home. xx

  2. oh, what a wonderful event you've had there! I wish I could be with you all and buy such lovely yarn and things!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx