Sunday 22 February 2009

More sock news

Looking at the calendar this weekend, it was a shock to see that March is looming fast! And my February socks are nowhere near done! So I knitted like mad yesterday and finished the first one. It's my first time doing a short-row toe and heel, and I like the way it works, even though I can't explain how it's achieved!

I am pleased with the sock on the whole, although I think that I would have probably done a couple more rounds of the pattern before starting the ribbing. But it fits perfectly, so I need to get the other one cast on. As it's a pretty straightforward knit, I think that it will become my lunchtime sock this week, to try and get it finished before the month is over! I already know what my next sock is going to be - Spring Forward. We're starting a Knitalong on the Phoenix Knitting Forums, so at least I'm spared all the agonising over patterns! I'm going to choose a semi-solid yarn for this pattern, as I think it will show off the lace much better.

I dropped the stripy socks into Michele yesterday, and her Dad loves them. He put them on there and then, and has asked for another pair. So I've ordered some more yarn from Modern Knitting (allowed as I'm not enhancing stash!!), and will get going on them in due course. It's so nice when your knitting is appreciated! Connected with those socks, remember that I said there was a knot in the yarn? Here's a photo, so you don't need to look back.........

I emailed Coats, to let them know about the problem, and yesterday I recieved a £5 voucher to redeem against new yarn! I was most impressed by their customer service.

I've also been busy buying more beads, so will post some photos when they arrive. I think it's ok to buy them, if it means that I'm going to be using up stash!!


  1. Well, you can't complain about a voucher to buy more yarn! :-) just check the new balls for knots... :-P

  2. Love the colours of both pairs. Your yarn choices always make me want to have them too!


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