Tuesday 24 February 2009

The post where josiekitten looks slightly shamefaced!

A squishy parcel arrived at school today - the yarn I ordered on Sunday from Modern Knitting. They have such a brilliant service! I opened it so that I could admire it at various points during the day! Michele asked me to knit her Dad some more socks, so I ordered 'Orange Spice' from Schoppel Wolle, and 'Landscape Earth' from Regia.

My creation

I'm not sure where the 3rd ball came from - it fell into my basket at the checkout! It's 'Zauberball' from Schoppel Wolle, in the shade Fuchsienbeet. The colours are a mix of vivid purple, pink and orange, and I'm holding Jominx fully responsible for this purchase. She showed off her stash recently, and also started knitting a pair of socks in the same colourway, and stashbust or no stashbust, I just couldn't resist! Maybe as it's the start of Lent, these are the equivalent of my pancakes, and no more goodies now 'til Easter!


  1. The Zauberball is just too nice *not* to buy it. :-) I'm planning a purchase of my own soon!

  2. HMMMMM! Yarn Police are on their way. Can you hear the sirens? Mind you, I must confess to having a little search fotr that yarn too tonight. It's gorgeous.

  3. I am sorry for luring you to the dark side (hee hee).... It is beautiful though :D


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx