Wednesday 5 August 2009

Coming over all innocent

Snoopydog came for the day yesterday, armed with yarn and gifts! A jar of her delicious blackcurrant jam, some gooseberry chutney and some chard and kale. Yum! We spent the day knitting little hats for The Big Knit 2009. It's a great way to raise money for the elderly. Snoopydog seemed to go out of her way to choose the most difficult of yarns to knit with - boucle, eyelash - whilst I stuck more or less to good old double knitting. There were one or two mishaps on the way - dropped stitches, inside out i-cords, wrong ends snipped off (check out snoopydog's blog for tips on how to do this! LOL), but by the end of the day, we had a good number of hats to get us underway. Belinda Bear and Betty Bear helped with the hat modelling!

Innocent Hats 2009

We're aiming to have another day together to make some more. I don't think they need to be sent in until sometime in October, so there's still plenty of time!

Can't stop here any longer, as I have a zillion and one things to do. Entries for our local show need to be in tomorrow, so I'm going to enter a few bits and pieces. Hopefully I'll do better than last year! I shall report back at the weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Snigger, snigger! I failed to blog tips on how to deal with inside-out i-cords;I made it sound all just perfect.
    Guess what! I didn't murder Trevor after all!
    I had a fabulous day. Thank you! :DD XX


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx