Saturday 8 August 2009

While josiekitten's away, Henrycat will play!

Hello there, Henrycat here. I'm taking this opportunity to have a little chat with you because my Mum is a bit busy at the moment. She set herself this mammoth holiday knitting list, and just between you and me, I think that she's bitten off a bit more than she can chew! At the moment, she's making samples of lots of easy projects to start off her school knitting club next term. I snuck upstairs to take a peep, and found the bed covered in balls of wool. Pussycat heaven! A lovely, super-squishy place to sleep. OK, so it may have been acrylic, and I prefer alpaca and cashmere, but a pussycat can't have the best all of the time. It made a comfy pillow regardless. I settled down for a snooze, as you can see.

Henrycat gets knitted

I'll get her to post some pictures of what she's been making some time soon. I think that I might put in a request for a cat blankie, now that I'm a gentleman of more mature years. (Snoopydog came to help me celebrate my 14th birthday last week.)

I must just tell you how proud I am of my Mum. She entered a couple of classes in our local horticultural show. Just look at how she did!

summer show 2009 (5)

My Dad (Mr Josiekitten) got a 1st for his spuds again, and a 2nd place for his beetroot! I'm letting him bask in the glory, but I will just tell you that it's all down to me - I made sure that I kept that potato plot nicely fertilised!

Well, I'd better be off. All this typing has quite worn me out. I'm ready for another snooze. Miaow for now!


  1. Dear old Henry! What gorgeous pics of him! Pleased to see that the judges knew their stuff and deemed your fantastic knitting worthy of the top prizes! :D Do pat Mr. Josiekitten on the back and say 'well done!' from me! Hmmm! Henry's poo on the spuds :( LOL! XX

  2. Too cute! Henry and my darling Shadow should have a chat and compare yarn-snuggling techniques.


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx