Sunday 6 September 2009

Progress report

Well, the end of the summer holiday has come! It doesn't seem that long ago that I was delighting in the 7 weeks that lay ahead of me. And you may remember that I shared with you my holiday knitting project list. The time has come to give you a progress report! Here goes!
1. Wolfgang's stripy socks - done!

Wolfgang's stripy socks 001

2. Spinning Around Zauberball socks - done!

Spinning Around 005

3. July sock challenge socks - one sock made and 2nd one started. These socks have caused me a real headache. I loved the yarn, but every pattern I tried looked terrible! I settled on Jules by Kate Blackburn.

July Autobahn socks WIP

4. Lizzy cardigan - done!

Lizzy 007

5. Secret Phoenix Knitting Project - done! (no photos yet, sorry!)

6. Felted pigs for the pub we knit in - done!

piggies (4)

7. August sock challenge socks - done! I finally made me a pair of Jaywalkers!

August Jaywalkers

8. Crochet cotton bag - almost finished! Just got the handles and flowers to do, and then the lining to sort out. Here's how it's looking at the moment.....

sorbet bag WIP 003

9. Sock yarn blanket to start - started! Not got very far with this at the moment, but am looking forward to spending a bit of time on it very soon. My mini-skeins are calling out to me!

sock blankie day 1

10. Lizard Ridge blanket to start - started! I haven't got very far though, as I'm finding it hard to knit from both ends of the ball without getting in a Big Tangle! So I need to split my current ball into 2 before knitting any more. This is what it looks like at the moment....

lizard ridge 1 WIP

11. Innocent Smoothie hats - started! I'm hoping to make a few more than this - maybe Snoopydog and I will have another day together working on them. I've made 10 so far.

Innocent Hats 2009

12. School knitting club samples - done! I'm all ready for the kids now!

K is for Knit 018

13. More socks for Michael - one sock done and one to go!

Eat your greens WIP

14. Baby Yeti hoodie for Gabriella - done!

baby yeti 002

15. Socks for Isabelle - done!

Waving Sweet Peas (1)

16. Fetchings for Brigitte - done! Luckily her hands are much smaller than mine!

brigitte's fetchings (6)

17. Scarf for Catherine - done!

Catherine's scarf

18. Scarf for Beryl - not done.

19. Manos del Uruguay shawl - started. Not got very far. Need to concentrate! The yarn is gorgeous and it feels sooooo luxurious!

Katerina shawl (1) WIP

20. Ishbel number 2 - not done!

21. Natural Dye Studio mini-skein crochet scarf - started! Again, I need to concentrate on this! Am hoping to buy some more mini-skeins at I Knit this coming weekend, and maybe this will spur me on!

Posy WIP

22. Swallowtail shawl - not done!

23. Feather and fan scarf - still hibernating! I might even frog it!

24. Kitty cat to finish - done!

Kitty cat 006

25. Wormy scarf to finish - still hibernating!

I'm fairly pleased with my achievements! Probably set myself far too much to try and do, but it's been fun! I've enjoyed the crochet, and would like to try more next year. I think I'd award myself a B-!! Now I must go and get a good night's sleep ready for the little darlings tomorrow! Night night!


  1. Oh my goodness! When I see all the projects you've completed this summer all lined up's amazing! So many lovely things! I still adore those 'ickle piggies' and I love your stuff for the kids and your Jaywalkers. In fact.... I love it all. Have a great start to term tomorrow! X :)

  2. I am now embarrassed to call myself a knitter. Your set of summer projects is just amazing and each item is so beautiful. I hope the pigs will be very happy in the pub. Have a good week.

  3. Oh that's impressive. Such gorgeous things. Well don on you!

  4. There are so many things I wanted to comment on...but I'll never remember them all! For one, I'm completely amazed at all you've done! You must be a speed knitter/crocheter! Wow!

    I am also making that bag right now (from Attic24, right?) I just love everything you've made!!

    I feel rather inspired to start a list and try very hard to accomplish everything I set out to do, but I'm good at that...getting inspired. I'm just not so good with the follow through... :)

  5. I can't believe how many lovely project you have there - love all the socks and the Manos shawl looks very pretty - do you mind me asking what pattern you are using?

  6. You've been VERY busy! Those are all wonderful projects. Beautiful work! I love the piggies.... too darling. Is it your own pattern?

    Marie Greene
    from Permission to Unwind


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx