Thursday 3 September 2009

Totally hooked!

I'm not meant to be here - I'm meant to be sorting out my class groups for next term, (which starts tomorrow!) But I just had to tell you all - I'm hooked, completely and utterly on my crochet bag! The pattern is a delight, from Lucy at Attic 24, and if you've not yet visited her blog, then you must. It's a lovely, lovely place to call into, and I can pretty much guarantee that you'll be picking up a crochet hook before you know it! I'm using Patons Sorbet yarn, most of it purchased from Kemps for the bargain price of 79p a ball. I haven't really done much crocheting apart from granny squares, but the pattern is so clearly written, with lots of photos, that it's not proving too tricky. I'm hoping to line it with the help of my friend Sally, whose sewing skills are infinitely superior to mine. Here's a couple of photos, although it's grown considerably since these were taken!

sorbet bag

Now, I must get on, but not before I've done one more round! Byeee!


  1. Drat. Drat. Drat!

    I already have two huge crochet afghans on the go and now you show me this website!

    Ah well.


  2. That's looking very lovely josiekitten!

  3. Oh I really love the colour combinations, they look really fantastic! Crochet really does go quickly doesn't it, and I really like the texture it makes.


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx