Sunday 20 June 2010


GRRRRRRRR!!!!! I have so much to share with you, and I'm having real problems with Flickr this evening. It's really, really s - l - o - w ! And when I finally manage to upload some photos, I can't see them properly or get to resize them. Rude words! Never mind, I will just make this a brief post tonight, and try again tomorrow. You might remember when I was in Cornwall last month, I found some ceramic buttons on sale in a National Trust shop. I have done a little bit of detective work on the Internet, and discovered a whole world of wonderful buttony goodness. I just want them all!!!! Look at these hearts! And how about the squares and oblongs? Maybe you're looking for round buttons? They make other shapes too! There's also a lovely pebble range. I'm almost too scared to get in touch and find out how much they cost (I paid £1 per button at the NT), just in case I get a severe attack of buttonitis and it runs out of control. Just looking sets my heart beating faster! I shall love you and leave you for now, and go and gaze at those buttons again! See you soon.
ETA - Oh yes, I did get myself a sewing machine! Big smiles and cartwheels (in my head at least!)


  1. So you've been distracted by all those buttons haven't you. You didn't mention if you purchased the sewing machine.
    Have a great week.

  2. Oh. My. Goodness!!!! Those buttons are gorgeous! I've just had to favourite the web site. :)

    Hope you sort out the photo problems. I'm hopeless with technology, so I understand your frustration!

  3. oh my goodness, i think i could get lost for hours on that button site!

  4. Fun for you! :) Sorry about Flickr, though... hope it's working for you soon.


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