Sunday 13 June 2010

In need of some instant gratification

Hello there. It's that time in the school year that pretty much every teacher I know dreads - report time! The deadline for mine to be done by is looming fast, and I've spent the weekend working on them in bursts! As a reward, I knitted a little in between completed subjects. I've been working pretty diligently on my Katerina shawl, and have completed 3 sections. Now all that remains to be done is 160 rows of the main lace pattern (40 repeats!)

Katerina 2 WIP

It's not very exciting knitting if I'm honest. Each row of 127 stitches takes quite a while to complete, and I'm not seeing it grow quick enough! So, something more instantly gratifying was required. I like having a pair of socks on the go - a portable project, so I rummaged around in my stash and dug out some yarn I bought in Germany last summer. It decided that it wanted to become Jaywalkers, so I duly cast on. I knitted most of it last night when Mr JK and I went to spend an intimate evening with Rick Wakeman. He was performing nearby, and it was a most entertaining evening. He really is the most incredibly talented pianist, and a very good storyteller too. He had us all in stitches (me quite literally!) with tales of his days touring with Yes. If you've ever heard Cat Stevens' version of 'Morning has Broken', Rick is playing the piano on that too.

need to knit Jaywalker WIP (1)

But even this lovely sock wasn't enough! I needed something even more instant! I've had in my favourites on Ravelry a crocheted cotton bag, and I bought some yarn for it several months ago when it was going cheap in Kemps! It's made from 16 squares sewn together in a rather intriguing way. Squares - perfect! They grow nice and quickly, so it's easy to sit back and feel a sense of achievement! The pattern is called Inga's Haekelbeutel, and it's going to make a perfect summery bag. I've done three squares so far, and love how the yarn is working out.

sunny summer bag WIP

If I finish my reports before next weekend, I'm heading into Norwich to treat myself to a sewing machine. Pop back next week to see if I've managed it! Have a good week Bye! xx


  1. Keep at it! The elation when they are done is worth at least a little bit of the effort and a new sewing machine too. I love the sock yarn. It's sooo pretty. Great minds think alike, as I have also printed off the little bag pattern this weekend. Your colourway is very pretty. Mine is a more orangey affair! Have a good weekX

  2. Oh I have reports to do next week too
    boo hoo!
    hope you get your sewing machine!

  3. All of these projects look great and I am waiting eagerly to see them finished- especially the shawl.
    As a retired teacher I sympathise with you at report time. I used to hate it especially as we were not allowed to tell the truth sometimes and had to ALWAYS write positive comments. Glad I'm out of it !!

  4. Wow, you have done a lot to get instant gratification ;-)
    I am looking forward to see what your crocheted bag will look like, the colors are sunny! I wish you a lot of patience for the 40 repeats of your shawl! We'll see who will be finished first with the Manos Silk Yarn...

  5. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has to cast on extra projects in order to keep me entertained through the lengthy ones. :)

  6. oooh - the shawl is gorgeous!
    love the colors you chose for your bag too - very summery and fun!!

  7. The shawl is coming along beautifully. Well done you!


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