Sunday 16 August 2015

Magic View - Landscape - Forest

Some more photos from my Flickr account that have been grouped together using Flickr's photo recognition and classfied as landscapes of forests. Enjoy the lush green coolness. By the time you read this, Mr JK and I should be on our way to Germany. I've scheduled a couple more posts while we are away, including a little giveaway, so pop back over the next two weeks, won't you?! I'll see you over the Bank Holiday weekend, once we've collected Flo from her cat  hotel. The cases have not yet been brought down from the loft, so she hopefully has no idea what's in store for her in the morning! xxx

Wells Boxing Day 2013 017

Day 6 - more Castle Howard (62)

Blickling Park May Day 2015 (13)

East Ruston Old Vicarage May 2012 018

London April 2011 045

Tour de Fleece 2014 Day 18 (8)


  1. Beautiful photos - those tree roots are amazing! Have a lovely holiday in Germany. xx

  2. The first photo is amazing. It looks like the tree is going to step out of the ground!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx