Wednesday 12 August 2015

A Cushiony Ta-dah!

It feels so good to be blogging about something I've made, after what feels like a lifetime (yes, I know, it's actually only been 7 weeks) without much creativity. Mr JK and I are off to Germany at the weekend and we will be visiting our friends Andrea and Wolfgang during the course of our travels. They became grandparents for the first time last year and it's Lenia's first birthday this weekend. I made a crocheted ripple blanket after her birth which was well received - here's a quick reminder of how it turned out ...

Baby girl ripples (4)

I thought it would be fun to make a cushion to go in Lenia's nursery too. I looked for some inspiration on Pinterest, and decided to make one with some bunting as well as Lenia's name stitched on. It was a toss up between applique and free motion stitching, but I decided on applique in the end. I haven't tried free motion stitching on my new sewing machine yet.  If I was to make it again, I would probably use a different colour thread for the applique to give more contrast. That's why I added the green ribbon and button, to make things pop a little more. I need to practise sewing curves, they were quite hard to do! But all in all, I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out.

cushion for Lenia (1)

cushion for Lenia (2)

cushion for Lenia (4)

cushion for Lenia (8)

What have you been busy creating lately? xxx


  1. Nice to see you back JK. Love the cushion, have fun in Germany.

  2. Your cushion is brilliant, and I think the pink applique is lovely.

  3. Love the cushion.I am making a stole(for going to the theatre rather than taking a jacket or coat).I am doing it in Debbie Bliss Donegal Tweed 4ply from Stash Fine Yarns.It is a four row pattern(feather and fan?) so easy to do watching TV but it is going to take ages!I am about half way.Photos when it is finished.Barbarax

  4. Lovely cushion, Lenia is a lucky little girl. We are leaving next week for Italy and I hope this time I shall be a bit more productive, 35 degrees just wasn't conducive to knitting. Have a great trip.

  5. This is fab! I may need to put in some orders! ;-) XX


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx