Sunday 9 August 2015


new wrist splint

I have been 'promoted' to a soft splint, which allows me a little more movement, so I have been sneaking in the odd round of sock knitting! I have to apply an icepack to my wrist four times a day to try and reduce the swelling, but I am hoping that it is on the mend. Fingers crossed. I am desperately trying to finish a pair of socks for Wolfgang as our trip to Germany is coming ever closer! 

Last week, my friend Diane came up from Devon for a couple of days. You may remember me teaching her to knit socks earlier in the year, and crochet basics last summer. Her teenage daughter Eve came along too and we had a wonderfully crafty time together. Eve wanted to learn to knit, so she rummaged in my stash of odd balls and chose something colourful for a simple garter stitch scarf. She picked it up very quickly and went back to Devon with scarf number two already on the needles! Not only was she interested in knitting, but Eve wanted to do some sewing too. So I showed her how to do machine applique and she made a panel which she then turned into an envelope cushion. Here's her starfish cushion - pretty impressive for a first go with a sewing machine, isn't it?!

Eve's cushion (1)

Eve's cushion (3)

Yesterday I went to the Festival of Quilts at the NEC in Birmingham. It was a loooooooong day as he coach left at 7:30am and I got back home just after 9pm, but it was worth it. Lots of fabulous quilts on display as well as plenty of fabric on sale! I was particularly interested in the quilts that had been made by schools. Here are a couple of them...

Festival of Quilts 2015 (5)

Festival of Quilts 2015 (6)

Festival of Quilts 2015 (25)

Festival of Quilts 2015 (9)

Festival of Quilts 2015 (12)

Festival of Quilts 2015 (10) 

Festival of Quilts 2015 (11)

Festival of Quilts 2015 (8)

Festival of Quilts 2015 (2)

These amazing quilts were all made by primary schools (if I remember correctly) and it's definitely given me some ideas for a big textiles-based project at school next year. I'll keep you posted!

While I was there, I had a bit of a 'fan moment' when I realised that I was standing next to Kaffe Fassett! He was signing copies of his many books. I snuck a photo of him for you!

Festival of Quilts 2015 (1)

Of course I brought back a few souvenirs of my day! A couple of sewing patterns, some fabric to make a top for myself, an assortment of fat quarters, some gorgeous pieces of Liberty lawn fabric and a bag of scraps for applique. Oh go on then, since you asked so nicely, you can have a look!

bounty from festival of quilts (1)

Mr JK was in action today, running the East Coast Half Marathon. It was pretty hot, so his aim was to finish rather than go for a personal best, and he was pleased with his time. He is training for his first marathon in October, so is building up his mileage - this week he managed about 33 miles. Rather him than me! I'll be back soon with some sewing to share with you. xxx

East Coast Half Marathon 2015 (10)


  1. Ohh! Congratulations on getting your new cast!

    I love the fabrics, and Kaffe Fasset! Looks like a great, fun day :-)

  2. Glad your wrist seems to be on the mend! Looks like the Quilting Exhibition was a success. Love the brown patterned fabric which I guess may be to make your top from! Ros xx

  3. Lovely colourful post if a little sad that you are still having trouble with your wrist. Hope you keep on improving, inspired no doubt by Kaffe who obviously still loves colour, great shirt.

  4. Yey to the good news about your wrist! Hopefully you'll be knitting away really soon. The quilting exhibition looks great - so much inspiration, and the quilts are beautiful.

  5. Hurrah for improving wrists! Well done on teaching your friend's daughter to knit and that applique is amazing for a first attempt! I envy your visit to the quilting exhibition - great buys too. xx


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx