Sunday 6 December 2015

A busy weekend

This weekend there has been...

 ... lots of sewing. I made my Christmas Tree hanging from Daisy and Grace that I bought at Ally Pally in October. I did the applique on the sewing machine and it was pretty fiddly! But I love how it turned out.

Christmas tree (1)

... a little bit of hooking. I have three more stripes before I finish the first section of the pattern. I think I might need to start sewing in those ends so it's not a mammoth task at the end.


... some baking. I made a batch of Noisette Nibbles. They are rather yummy and if you'd like to make some, you can find the recipe here. I filled half with Nutella and the rest with Reese's Peanut Butter and Chocolate spread. Mmmmmmmm!

Noisette Nibbles (3)

... a 10K run through a forest dressed as Santa! Mr JK joined lots of other runners in a fund-raising run. I'm not sure what the collective noun for a group of Santas is, any  suggestions? Mr JK completed the race in around an hour and wore a full Santa suit, including a hat and beard the whole time! Go Santa JK!

Santa Run 2015 (23)

It's a very busy week ahead at school and I also have two concerts with the chamber choir I sing with, so I don't envisage much knitting or crochet will be done. Roll on Saturday! xxx

Advent week 2


  1. I love your Christmas tree hanging - so pretty. Your blanket is gorgeous too - I know what you mean about darning in the ends - I started off being very good with my coastal ripple but there is a large gap in the middle where I was a naughty girl (don't tell Santa!) and left them. There's something to look forward to! A Ho-Ho-Host of Santas?! xx

  2. Love that pretty Christmas wall hanging! How clever are you? :-) xx

  3. Your Christmas Tree hanging is gorgeous! Applique is always fiddly to do, and your blanket is looking lovely.

  4. A "slew of Santas?" The Internet (which is never wrong) says it's from Irish Gaelic "sluagh," meaning "multitude!"

    I always enjoy your posts though I rarely comment. So, today-- a comment! Merry Christmas to you and yours, and do enjoy your concerts! (it's concert weekend over here as well!)

  5. oh i'm so drooling over that blanket!! as soon as i'm done with the weather blanket i'll give you one guess what i'm going to start!!
    love that mr jk does the santa run - what a fun and funny holiday tradition!

  6. Love the look of those noisette nibbles, think they would go down a storm in my house


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx