Friday 4 December 2015

Between friends - part 2

I know, I know, back so soon. But I just have to show the other parcel that arrived quite unexpectedly last weekend. I knew that my friend Cathy  had posted me something, but I certainly wasn't expecting it to arrive only 4 days later all the way from Canada! Cathy and I have been Ravelry friends for more than 6 years now, and have enjoyed shopping for each other at various yarn festivals. We both love all things purple, blue and green, so I can be pretty confident that if I like something, it's a fairly safe bet that Cathy will too! I was extremely lucky because Cathy had travelled down from Canada to visit two yarn festivals in the USA this year - the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival and Rhinebeck. (Rhinebeck is on my Bucket List!) What treats awaited me when I opened the parcel! It was crammed full of loveliness...

swap with Cathy (2)

...a sheepy box bag, sewn by Cathy herself, a skein of the deepest purple yarn ever from Lisa Souza, some gorgeous gradient fibre from Fiber Optic and (be still my beating heart) a gradient set from Miss Babs. I have lusted after these ever since I saw photos of them at Rhinebeck 2014. The photos don't show how lovely they are, but believe me, I am going to be keeping this little lot for ME! ME! ME! (Florence was lurking while I was taking the photos so I had to leave those little skeins safely packed away just in case she decided to go pilfering!) Cathy also included a couple of souvenir badges from the two festivals, some rather yummy maple candies and a cute hedgehog notions case from ThreeBagsFull! Cathy had a conversation with Michele and they both laughed when they found out that they both knew me! Just goes to show how small the world is when you're a knitter!

swap with Cathy (3)

swap with Cathy (4)

swap with Cathy (5)

swap with Cathy (1)

And now I have the whole wonderful weekend stretching out ahead of me, with great plans for nothing more than a bit of sewing, baking, hooking and knitting! I will show you what I've achieved on Sunday! Hope your weekend goes to plan too! xxx


  1. I want to be friends with other knitters as well if this is what you get :) I love getting parcels and creating parcels to send out as well. Must get myself back on Ravelry to see if there are any swap groups going. Seriously love all that yarn and cant wait to see what you make with it. Have fun :)

  2. Glorious parcel of treats, just what I need.

  3. ooooh!
    what a fun package!
    i'd love to go to reinbeck some year as well!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx