Sunday 14 January 2018

The tiniest seed

Oh my goodness, what gloomy weather we've had this week. I don't think the sun has bothered to make an appearance in Norfolk once. It's been cold, grey, foggy and damp - not the best weather for lifting the spirits. And tomorrow is apparently 'Blue Monday' - the most depressing day of the year, taking into account post-Christmas debts, lack of motivation and failure to keep up New Year's resolutions. So you'd probably be best staying in bed with your knitting or crochet all day if you can, with a plentiful supply of tea and chocolate! 

I needed something new to focus on and so the teeniest, tiniest seed of an idea has started to germinate. I'm really, really excited about it and I think you will be too once you hear about it. With luck, I'll be able to tell you all in early February. Already this teeny, tiny seed has roots and a shoot and with luck it's going to grow into something truly amazing. 😀

There has been some sock knitting going on chez josiekitten and I've finished the first of my purple striped pair. So I have the partner of two socks to knit asap considering that they were meant to be Christmas presents! Here it is, not very elegantly modelled on Flo who was on my lap at the time!

The sewing machine has also been busy. I made a string of bunting as a birthday present for a pink-loving friend. I've got quite proficient at cutting out and making bunting now. I managed this in a couple of hours! 

I've started back running again this week after more than two months of enforced rest because of injury. I feel like a complete beginner again but have been assured that it will come back quickly! I hope so. I'm taking it very steady as I don't want to injure myself again by doing too much too soon. There may be one or two races in the pipeline! Talking of running, I'm not sure I shared with you some amazing presents that I received for my birthday and Christmas. My dear friend Snoopydog gave me a medal holder which I love; the wording on it is perfect - 'She believed she could ...... so she did!' I am just a little bit alarmed by the number of hooks on it though. Snoops is clearly expecting a lot of me! 

For Christmas, my friend Charlie's Mum gave me a frame with Mr JK's Yorkshire marathon medal and photo and my Yorkshire 10 mile medal and photo in it. It was something that I wanted to get done but was finding it quite a challenge emotionally to do it. The end result is even better than I could have hoped for. It also includes my VIP wrist band, baggage tag and train ticket to York. Loads of memories of a very special day.

And here it is on my bedroom wall. It's the first thing I see every morning and I love it. It inspires me to think that I actually did it and hopefully there are a few more miles left in my legs!  Chin up tomorrow and see you the other side of Blue Monday! xxx


  1. Looking forward to hearing about your new project.I wonder what it can be?What an amazing present that frame is.You are an inspiration,so positive and Mr JK would be so proud of you.You are doing what I am sure he would have wanted you to do and be.
    P.S.How is Snoopy Dog aka Ros?She doesn't seem to blog any more and neder makes comments on my blog.I am sure I have upset her (unintentionally).Give her my love when you are next in touch with her.I am sure Xmas has been really difficult for her.

  2. Helen, you do realise that you can get more than one medal on each hook don't you? You have many, many miles of running ahead of you! I have joined a running club and am hoping to run some races in 2018, so I am hot on your heels.

    I am looking forward to hearing about your new project. Good luck with Blue Monday! Jane

  3. What a lovely idea to hang all those medals, past and future on. Is Flo sitting on a Phoenix Friendship blanket by any chance? I must sew mine together! CN x

  4. I absolutely love the photo frame, it's brought a little lump to my throat! It's a lovely gift. And The Idea sounds very intriguing, good luck with it!

  5. Golly, it will be quite a challenge to fill all those hooks! Your sock looks beautiful and that photo frame is very special indeed. Hugs to you and Flo for Blue Monday - I can't wait to hear about your new idea. xx

  6. That is a wonderful, thoughtful gift! Love the sock!

  7. What nice people to give you such nice gifts and I'm sure we shall see those pegs filling with medals as the year progresses. Now I'm longing to know what you are planning, can't we have a little clue.

  8. Absolutely love your memory frame and the inspiration phrase on your board is terrific. Perfect placement !!

  9. awwww what a sweet post-lots of memories and good friends


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