Sunday 21 January 2018

Baby feet

One of my friends became an auntie again this week so in order to celebrate the arrival of baby Teddy, I'm knitting some itsy bitsy baby socks as a present. A visit to my local yarn shop provided some balls of the Regia sock yarn designed especially to knit socks for little people's feet. 

I've decided to use my Kali Kardia sock pattern and write another pattern for baby socks. Because it's a ribbed pattern, it ought to help the socks stay on even the wriggliest of legs! So far, so good. I'm liking how it looks and will share more with you very soon. Apologies for the rubbish photo but the light is terrible here today.

Further to my blog post last weekend, I'm pleased to report that my seed is definitely growing very well indeed! I am so excited that I can scarcely contain myself! I cannot wait to tell you more. Please be patient, I promise it won't be too long before I can spill the beans. xxx


  1. Oh, I am so intrigued and am looking forward to hearing more.

    Have a great week.

  2. Gorgeous shades for teeny tiny feet! x

  3. Having knit the grown up Kali Kardia socks I'm sure the little ones will be brilliant too, such a good idea to adapt the pattern. Meantime, I'm getting sick of waiting for this big disclosure, just get a move on please, your public is waiting.

  4. Teddy - such a sweet name. I bet socks for itty bitty feet knit up really quickly! Can't wait to hear more about your seed! xx


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx