Monday 21 December 2020

Blogmas Day 21

 🎄🎄🎄 Day 21 🎄🎄🎄

I thought that I'd share Tante Gerda's Christmas biscuit recipe with you today. Tante Gerda was one of Mr JK's aunties and we stayed with her many times when we visited Bremen. Sadly she is no longer with us, but her recipe lives on. She used to make these using an ancient metal biscuit press that had come from Mr JK's Opa and Oma, but we bought a biscuit press back here in the UK. It's like a cake icing set, but bigger. It comes with all kinds of fancy nozzles which are supposed to create different shaped biscuits, but I could never get them to work! This recipe makes a mountain of biscuits, so we used to always quarter the quantities and that still made plenty.

German Christmas Cookies

250g flour

125g caster sugar

125g margarine or softened butter

1 egg

1 packet of vanilla sugar or 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 teaspoon baking powder

(Do not add any liquid!)

Basically you mix all the ingredients together to make a dough. We then chilled the dough as it made it easier to handle. Use a biscuit press to make the biscuits or roll out and use a cutter. Place the biscuits onto a non-stick baking tray or a tray covered with baking parchment and decorate with nuts and cherries. Bake for approximately 10-15 minutes until golden at 180 C. Cool on a wire rack and then enjoy! You can also dip in chocolate which I can highly recommend! xxx

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