Tuesday 22 December 2020

Blogmas Day 22

 🎄🎄🎄 Day 22 🎄🎄🎄

It wouldn't be Christmas without some bunting! Over the years, I've sewn quite a few strips of bunting. Most of them have been for gifts, but I do have a couple of pieces for me. Sadly they are up in the loft, so I'm not able to hang them up this year. I had intended to sew some more, but just haven't got round to it. I do plan to sew some to decorate the garden next year. It's very easy to make as you just have to sew two triangles of fabric together (right sides facing), turn them the right way round and then sew all the little flags into some folded tape, so the raw edges of each flag get hidden inside the tape. I just need to work out how long to make each piece for the garden, and what I'm going to attach each strip to. The felt Christmas tree bunting was made from a kit that I bought, and the hessian bunting I made at a craft workshop the first Christmas after Mr JK died.  xxx

1 comment:

  1. I love that hessian bunting! I have bunting round my garden shed but it's been up for a couple of years now and is starting to fade. Time to make some more I think. xx


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