Sunday, 1 June 2014


Mr JK and I have arrived back home after a week in Greece. We had a fabulous time and I will blog about it in a lot more detail later in the week.
Needless to say, there was a lot of good food.........

Greece May 2014 262

plenty of knitting, reading and Scrabble time........

Greece May 2014 253

walks to soak up the daily goings on in the village...........

Greece May 2014 133

and the inevitable 'adoption' of a family of kittens for the week!

Greece May 2014 181

I have loads of photos and some videos to share with you. Florence very nearly had three little ginger playmates!! They were seriously cute, I'm telling you!! I'd like to think that someone else has taken over feeding duties this week! See you very soon for a proper Greek update. xxx


Jennyff said...

Oh those gingers. Our little stray black cat reappeared the day we got back to Italy after almost 6 months, looking fit and well, so I don't worry about the kitties. Nice to have you back, glad it was fab.

busybusybeejay said...

Hope your batteries are charged ready for the last lap of the school year.Sounded like a great holiday.Barbarax

snoopydogknits said...

Glad you've had a lovely time. Oh those little kitties are just so adorable x

melissa said...

welcome back!! so glad you had a wonderful holiday!
those kittens are too cute for words!
(let's just not mention to flo or pip, or peapod that i said that :)